Claudia Marie May 11, 2012Posted on May 11, 2012 Claudia Marie May 11, 2012, originally uploaded by The Real Claudia-Marie. Lying by my pool catching a tan here in Las Vegas Tweet
Claudia Marie May 10, 2012Posted on May 10, 2012 Drove my Prowler out to SouthPoint Casino here in Vegas to check out the Prowler convention today Tweet
Claudia Marie April 20, 2012Posted on May 9, 2012 A pic of me in April 2012 on the roof of The Santa Fe Station Casino here in Vegas Tweet
Claudia Marie On The Way To The GymPosted on May 6, 2012 On the way to the gym here in Las Vegas Tweet
Claudia Marie Spring Day In VegasPosted on May 5, 2012 Soaking up the sun off the balcony of my bedroom Tweet
Claudia Marie Shooting PoolPosted on May 3, 2012 Shooting pool with a group of guys and my big ass jacked up Tweet